bone rick
bone rick, an experimental printmaking work I created with a 'bone-white' ink, represents the moment after near extirpation. Paired with the audio piece bone rick: An Epitaph, this work is an affective monument to the bones and bodies that nourished a significant portion of Turtle Island since time immemorial. The piece, however, does not remain sited in the past. The closing lines of bone rick: An Epitaph return the viewer to our current moment of ecological crisis by paraphrasing climate activist Greta Thunberg’s plea to abandon “colonial fairy tales of eternal physical and monetary expansion.” These words tie the precarity of both tipping points to the hegemonic ontology that positions individuals, human and more-than-human, as a resource to dominate and extract.
bone rick, 2019
101 bison-bone ink silkscreen prints, variable size
Contributor: bison from Blanbrook Bison Farm, Andrew Silk, and Jessica Woodward